CMP3- Photoshop averaging

Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 21.06.31cats



For these workshops we looked heavily on ‘grey media’ , for instance stock images and the never ending supply of them as well as ‘blackbox’ media , when we as humans do not always understand the technology that we are using and the way that it works, as for us we just tap the screen or press a button. In the workshop we also looked at averaging and created an image using photoshop, of the average looking person in our class, we took headshots and lined them up in photoshop, editing the layers to create an average in the pixels of the images, we could also look at the mean, medium, minimum, maximum and median.


For the task we used these techniques to create our own averaged image with stock images, for mine I thought that it would be easiest and most effective to use an animal so that I could line the eyes and mouth up, although this proved more difficult than I thought. I decided to use cats, which turned out quite interesting as the different averages look almost like different breeds of cats. We also had to produce a ‘cut-up’ image, in the style of William Burroughs, this involved using an image of a setting as the background and editing in figures, for mine I decided to use different zoo animals.

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