CMP3- Surveillance and Data-Odyssey

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For this task I enjoyed looking at the use of surveillance as we walked around Lincoln, capturing and creating data together with the use of Twitter, on the various different types of surveillance and control that we came across such as CCTV cameras, posters, mirrors and many more which we come across in our everyday lives but do not usually pay attention to.  Many of the types of surveillance that we looked back at in the workshop, I did not realise where forms of surveillance, but after talking about the purposes, it was clear why they were being used and actually made me think of how often I have come across them before, for instance the mirrors in Primark and other shops.


I did find this task and Odyssey a bit complicated as I am new to coding, but once I got used to it and had some guidance, the task was quick to complete. I really liked using the map to create a story as we were travelling around different spaces in Lincoln and imbedding the images to articulate the story further. It was hard to document some forms of surveillance such as security around ATM machines, obviously for privacy issues and also security guards , as they were watching us watch them.


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